Welcome to Skroutz Academy

You want to grow your business. We want to help you make it happen.

Make online sales a piece of cake!

Learn all Skroutz services from A to Z and gain useful knowledge that will help you increase the efficiency of your business through a series of interactive courses.

Advantages of Skroutz Academy

It learns everything first

Find everything you need to know about the features and benefits of Skroutz in one place and be immediately informed on all the innovations and improvements that it brings.

It adjusts to your needs

Train at your own time, individually, according to the needs of your business and solve your questions immediately, whenever you need it.

It knows all the secrets

Find out useful tips and advice on how to develop your business performance and your sales skills, and you will make your business stand out.

It's also goes live

Take part in live training webinars, get informed on the most current topics and get answers to all your questions from the Skroutz training team.