Privacy Policy

In Skroutz, we want our Partners to know what data they share with us and what we do with it. This text explains with simple words and clarity, what data we collect for you in the context of the operation of the platform (hereinafter the «Educational Platform») and how we use them. It is mentioned that this notice is addressed only to those partners who are natural persons or to representatives of our partners, [hereinafter «Partners»], as the current legislation [Regulation (ΕΕ) 2016/679, national law 4624/2019] recognizes the meaning of the personal data and the corresponding protection only to natural persons.


Our company, under the name «SKROUTZ S.A.» with its headquarters at Alekou Panagouli 91 Street, Nea Ionia 142 34 (hereinafter the «Company») acts as Data Controller of your personal data in the context of your participation in the educational programs which are provided via the Educational Platform.


The Company collects and further process the following personal data during the procedure of your registration and participation in the Educational Platform:

  • Name/surname and company name of the Partner.
  • Email and username which you have register at the platform and Partner Company’s TIN.
  • The type of cooperation that you have with Skroutz, the identification number of your store, the product category to which you have categorized.
  • The answers you submitted, your rating, your badges, any comments/opinion/review you have submitted and your progress statistics.

Furthermore, the Company collects and further process the following personal data during your participation in the live training seminars, via an e-learning platform:

  • The name of the participant, as well as, the voice, the image, the questions/answers, and the comments that he/she submitted. You will be informed in advance for the training seminars which will be recorded or/and videotaped and we recommend that you have your camera switched off.



The Company collects and further process your personal data, to fulfill the contractual obligations between us. Particularly, your participation, as well as your successful examination in the training seminars of the Educational Platform, is deemed as a necessary contractual condition for the cooperation between us, ensuring a common, minimum educational level for our Partners . Your personal data is processed to confirm your participation and successful examination in the educational courses, but also to receive the necessary communications via e-mail, regarding your participation into new or upcoming educational courses.

Legitimate interest

In addition, the Company has a legitimate interest in ensuring the security, the detection and treatment of errors and vulnerabilities, but also the generally smooth operation of the Educational Platform. The Company also has legitimate interest in analyzing the usage data of the Educational Platform for business development purposes and improvement of the services which are provided to Partners.


Your personal data is collected and further processed by specially authorized personnel of the Company. In the context of better management of the Company’s operational and organizational needs, and always in accordance with the current legislation on the protection of personal data recipients of your personal data are:

  • Providers of information systems and technological solutions such as Microsoft (Microsoft Teams) and Zoom.
  • Providers of training platforms, such as, Epignosis (Talent LMS).
  • As well as any other administrative, judicial or public authority or generally any legal or natural person to whom the Company, may have a relevant obligation or right, under the law or court decision, to disclose such data.

In the context of the operation of these companies, your data may be transferred outside of the European Area and especially to the United States of America and the United Kingdom by these companies, although the relevant storage of the data takes place mainly in the EU and there are strict contractual clauses or European decisions of adequate protection in force for this transfer.


Your personal data which we collect in the context of your participation in the Educational Platform will be kept throughout the duration of our cooperation and up to 5 years after its termination. In case it is necessary for the pursuit of our legal claims or other legitimate interests, your data will be retained for an additional period of time, until such interests are satisfied.


As long as the requirements of the legislation are met and in the context of the Educational Platform, you have and may exercise the following rights:

  • The right to access, i.e. the right to be informed whether your personal data is being processed and to receive further information about the processing,
  • the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data or the right to have incomplete personal data completed,
  • the right to erasure,
  • the right to restriction of the processing ,
  • the right to object to processing based on our legitimate interest,
  • the right to data portability to another controller or to you.


For any questions regarding the processing of your personal data by the Company in the context of the Educational Platform, as well as the exercise of the above right, please send an e-mail to

In case you believe that we did not satisfy sufficiently your request and the protection of your personal data is affected in any way, you may appeal through a special web portal to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (Athens, Kifissias Avenue 1-3, PC: 115 23 | tel: +30 210 6475600 Detailed instructions for filing a complaint can be found on the Authority’s website.