Terms of Service


Welcome to Skroutz Academy, the educational platform created by the societe anonyme under the trade name “Skroutz Societe Anonyme Internet Services” and the distinctive title “Skroutz S.A.”, with registered seat in Nea Ionia, Attica, Greece, at 91 Alekou Panagouli Str., 14234, and Greek Tax Identification Number 800863970 – Tax Department: FAE Athens (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).

Within the scope of the services provided via its website “www.skroutz.gr”, the Company is creating a new website under the name “academy.skroutz.gr” (hereinafter referred to as the "Educational Platform"), through which the Company provides with digital educational material and training seminars its partners (hereinafter referred to as the "Users"), ensuring a common, minimum educational training for its Users and supporting distance learning, continuous updating and training of the Users, regarding the operation of the website “www.skroutz.gr” through which the services provided by the Company as well as the best practices in providing such services. In particular, the Company offers to the Users the opportunity to be informed about the services provided by Skroutz, to develop their knowledge and skills in order to stand out from the competition and to stay abreast of the latest developments in e-commerce, at the time, place and pace that each User prefers.

The use of the Educational Platform requires and entails the express and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions described herein, as well as any future changes and amendments thereof.

Access to Educational Platform and User Registration

Users can access the Educational Platform after establishing an internet connection via any web browser (e.g. chrome, firefox, etc.). Each User is responsible for accessing the website and undertakes sole responsibility for paying any fees to third parties for such access (e.g. internet service providers). In addition, the User is exclusively responsible for his/her personal equipment including all necessary technological means (e.g. personal computer) that allow him/her full access to the Educational Platform.

Access to the Educational Platform is granted to the Company's partners who have completed their registration and account activation process within the Educational Platform, and as long as they maintain an active partnership with the Company. The activation of the account for each User is completed by entering a unique personal password. All connections that follow the account activation will be made by the User by entering (a) the e-mail address he/she has provided in the framework of his/her partnership with the Company and (b) the personal password he/she has chosen for his/her access to the Educational Platform.

The User shall be responsible for the accuracy and truth of the data provided, while he/she has the obligation to verify that such data are correct as well as to keep it updated. The User must immediately inform the Company for any changes that may occur in relation to that data by providing the Company with the relevant updated information.

User Account Management

The User is solely responsible for the security of all credentials linked to his/her account on the Educational Platform. These data are unique for each User, who undertakes the responsibility to use them on a strictly personal level and not to disclose them to third-parties, while at the same time, he/she accepts the responsibility for all activities carried out on his/her account on the Educational Platform.

The User shall not disclose the credentials of his/her account on the Educational Platform to third-parties, who are not authorized to access such an account. In the event of a present, future or threatened breach of the account, the User must immediately inform the Company in writing, and seek immediate change of his/her credentials. The Company shall not be liable towards the User due to late notification of any breach, potential breach or threatened breach of the account held by the User on the Educational Platform.

In the event that a User no longer wishes to maintain the right to access the Educational Platform, then he/she must inform the Company of his/her wish to be deleted from the list of the registered Users, so that the Company takes the necessary actions to that end.

The User may rectify, amend, add or delete data and information submitted by him/her to the Educational Platform, provided that this option is electronically/technically available, otherwise the Company shall take the necessary steps to delete, amend or add such data, in a duly manner, upon User's request. For the protection and security of the User, the Company may request additional information to verify that the person making the aforementioned changes is indeed the same person as the User.

Content of Educational Platform

The Company, utilizing the most advanced technological innovations of distance learning, provides Users with a unique educational experience by providing rich educational material, such as documents, presentations, recorded seminars, interactive videos, simulation exercises, quizzes, live streaming webinars, etc. The educational material is categorized based on training modules, and there are, also, categories tailored to the needs of the partners (e.g. training material for new partners).

User training is provided at a personalized level and is based on interactivity. At the same time, exercises and interactive quizzes complement and ensure the consolidation of the knowledge provided, which is rewarded with points and certifications. In particular, Users have the opportunity to receive educational rewards based on their activity and the progress of their training (e.g. by collecting points, granting certifications, etc.).

The Company unilaterally reserves the right to modify and/or suspend, temporarily or permanently, part or all of the functions of the Educational Platform, to disable or limit access to free content, with or without prior notice to the Users.

Copyright and licenses

The software used for the development and operation of the Educational Platform website is provided to the Company by the partner company under the trade name "Epignosis UK Limited" (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider") by virtue of a special, non-exclusive and non-transferable license. The entire structure of the Educational Platform constitutes property of the Provider and its licensors, including any material related to the Educational Platform’s structure and individual functions.

Apart from the exceptions that are explicitly referred to herein (copyrights of third-parties, partners and institutions), all the content of the Educational Platform, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, the services provided and generally, all files linked to the present website, constitute intellectual property of the Company and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek and European law, as well as international conventions and treaties.

Therefore, none of the aforementioned elements may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted or distributed in any way, in whole or in part. Use of the Educational Platform in any way does not grant the User ownership of any intellectual property rights over the functions and/or the educational content accessed by the User.

As an exception to the above, the User has the right to store on his/her personal computer and/or print the accompanying educational material, for strictly personal use and he/she has no right to forward the aforementioned educational material to any third-party for any reason whatsoever. The User understands and accepts that he/she is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit, in any way, all or part of the content of the Educational Platform.

Obligations / Responsibility of Educational Platform’s User

The Educational Platform shall, exclusively, be used for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not restrict or prevent the use by third-parties. The User must not perform any acts or omissions that may cause any website malfunction, as described herein, and/or negatively affect or jeopardize the provisions of services to Users.

The Users of Educational Platform must (a) fully comply with the present terms and conditions, as well as, with the national, European, international legislation in force at the time and/or with any rule that has legislative force and concerns and/or covers any service or content of the Educational Platform, (b) refrain from any illegal and/or abusive behavior that may affect other Users and/or cause damage or malfunction to the Educational Platform, (c) immediately notify the Company, if they become aware of any unauthorized use of the services of the Educational Platform or any user behavior or action that is contrary the rules of proper use of the Educational Platform; and (d) immediately notify the Company when they have reason to believe that their account is no longer secure.

The User expressly agrees that he/she shall not perform, either on his/her own account or on behalf of any third-party, any of the following actions, which, therefore, are expressly prohibited and include, but they shall not be limited to:

  • decoding, copying in whole or in part the Educational Platform or attempting to extract the source code or algorithm of the Educational Platform, reproducing, republishing, creating derivative works, selling, trading, or otherwise commercially exploiting the Educational Platform, copying, leasing, distributing or otherwise transferring or assigning rights granted to him/her under the present Terms,
  • engaging in illegal acts, intentionally introducing malicious software or other material into the Educational Platform that could damage, interrupt, limit or interfere with the smooth operation and use of the Educational Platform and/or the Company's systems,
  • using the services of the Educational Platform either to carry out actions that violate any legislation or the rights of third parties or as a means of disseminating offensive, derogatory and generally unacceptable opinions and positions, concerning e.g. special categories of data, political, social and religious beliefs),
  • infringing any intellectual property rights, trademarks, legal notices or other proprietary rights relating to the content and functions of the Educational Platform,
  • posting, publishing, sending, transmitting or using any other method to install and/or promote and/or make available content that contains digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, intrude, destroy or restrict the operation of any computer software or equipment or telecommunications equipment or to affect in any way the use of the Educational Platform,
  • modifying, disabling or compromising the integrity or performance of the Educational Platform, data or systems (including investigating, scanning or vulnerability testing of any system or network hosting the Educational Platform),
  • reproducing, copying or reusing any part of the HTML/CSS, JavaScript, or visual design elements or concepts (including look and feel) of the Education Platform,
  • bypassing the security measures set by the Company to prevent or restrict access to the Educational Platform or the use of the Educational Platform if the Company has suspended or prohibited access to the User,
  • damaging or attempting to alter the systems or security measures of the Educational Platform in order to gain unauthorized access or attempt to gain unauthorized access to systems, personal data, trade secrets or other information of the Company, the Educational Platform, or other Users,
  • posting material (text, images, pictures, photos, videos, cell wall posts and comments, e-me content objects, blog articles, etc.) that could be considered illegal, threatening, harmful, defamatory, libelous, abusive, offensive, pornographic, blasphemous, harassing, vulgar, obscene, as well as by posting any material that could constitute or encourage illegal or criminal conduct, or constitute a violation of another person’s privacy, or express racial, ethnic or other discrimination,
  • violating, with or without intent, any local, national, European, international legislation and/or any rule that has legislative force relating to and/or covering any function of the Educational Platform.

Termination of Access to Educational Platform

The Company may, at its sole discretion, at any time and without any prior notice to the User, refuse or terminate, temporarily or permanently, the User’s access to the Educational Platform or discontinue the use of any of its content or services, in the following cases:

  • when the User fails to comply with the present Terms and Conditions or with any provision of any applicable law or regulation,
  • when the Company has reasonable grounds to believe that the User engages in any illegal conduct or other illegal activity in relation to the agreement regarding the access of educational material, or other material and use it through the Educational Platform,
  • if there is any damage to the operation of the Educational Platform, due to loss or misuse of the credentials linked to the User’s account.

In any of the above cases, a court order is required for the Company's actions, nor will the Company owe any compensation. On the contrary, the Company reserves its right to claim, direct and/or indirect, damages, as a result of the aforementioned contractual breaches.

Limitation - Waiver of the Company’s Liability

  • All information and educational materials contained in the Company's Educational Platform have been developed exclusively for the purposes of the Company's operation. All content therein is provided "as is" and "as available", without any warranties of any kind, as to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information contained therein, although the Company has exercised the utmost commercially reasonable care in developing its content. The Company waives all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those referring to merchantability and suitability for a particular purpose, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • The content of the Educational Platform does not in any way constitute financial, legal or other advice, encouragement or inducement to carry out any business or any other act and therefore, the Company shall not be liable in any way when the material is used in such a way by the User.
  • The Company does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and their contents will be provided without any interruption, free of errors, free of viruses, malicious software or other similar elements. Moreover, the Company shall not guarantee the restoration of such a content and shall not be liable for any damage related to the access or inability of the User to access the services and content of the Educational Platform.
  • The Company, under no circumstances, including the case of negligence to the maximum extent allowed by law, shall be liable for any damage of any kind (direct, indirect or consequential) suffered by either the User of the Educational Platform, through the use of its services and content, the use of which, moreover, is made on his own initiative and upon knowledge of the present terms, or by any third party, due to the actions of any User of the Platform in violation of the Terms and Conditions, the Data Protection Policy, any other specific terms agreed between the Company and the User and the applicable legislation.
  • Our Company shall not be liable for any unacceptable, derogatory and generally offensive and illegal behavior of any User. The Users are obliged to report immediately and in a proper manner any behavior of any User that may come to their attention, that is deemed unacceptable, offensive, illegal and contrary to good faith, so as the Company takes all appropriate legal actions.
  • The Company shall not be liable whatsoever for any material edited and updated exclusively by the Users of the Educational Platform on their own initiative.

"Links" to other websites

The Company does not control the availability, content, data protection policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and web pages to which it refers via "links" and/or hyperlinks. Therefore, the User must refer directly to the respective websites and webpages, which are responsible for their services, for any problem that may arise during their use. The links appearing on the Educational Platform are solely provided for the User's convenience and the Company shall not be responsible and/or approve and/or accept the content of such links.

Amendment of the Terms and Conditions

The Company reserves its right, to unilaterally and at its absolute discretion, modify any of the terms thereof, at any time, without any prior notice to the Users. Any changes or amendments introduced by the Company will be effective from the date of their incorporation into the present Terms and Conditions. Users are advised to visit the present page regularly, in order to be informed of any amendments that may have been introduced. In case a User continues to use the Educational Platform, after any amendment to the present terms, such an action shall constitute an unconditional acceptance of the modified Terms and Conditions. The Company shall not be liable against the Users with respect to such amendments.

Applicable Law - Dispute Resolution - Final Provisions

The present Terms and Conditions of the Educational Platform and any amendment thereof are governed by Greek law. The resolution of any dispute that may arise regarding the Educational Platform, the interpretation and application of the present Terms and Conditions, falls within the exclusive competence of the Courts of Athens.

If any provision of the present terms and conditions of the Educational Platform is deemed to be in breach of the law, and therefore null and void, it shall automatically become invalid, without, in any way, affecting the validity of the remaining provisions.