Essential Cookies

gamification_points_for_course_completion 30 seconds Notify the user of the points they earned from a training module
gamification_completed_courses 30 seconds Notify the user of the points they earned from the courses they completed
gamification_learning_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for completing a training module
gamification_points_for_login 30 seconds Notify the user of the points they earned by logging into the service
gamification_activity_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for logging in X times into the service
gamification_user_level 30 seconds Notify the user of their level as a user of the service
cookie_dashboard_mode Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for viewing the courses in a list or grid format for the session
cookie_dashboard_sorting_type Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for viewing the courses by category (course name/date/completed courses/most recent courses) for the session
cookie_categories_on_grid Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for viewing or hiding the course categories for the session
cookie_visited_course_catalog_info 5 minutes Retain user preference settings for visiting the course catalog for the session
export_course_reports_{course_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the reporting option for courses
export_test_reports_{test_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the reporting option for tests
cookie_test_reports_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings on whether test reports will be filtered by status for the session
export_system_reports 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a system report
export_group_reports_{group_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a system report for the team
export_branch_reports_{branch_id} 30 seconds Note the settings for re-enabling the option to export a report for the industry
cookie_course_reports_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding the display of course reports based on status (completed or not) for the session
cookie_user_reports_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding the display of user reports based on status (completed or not) for the session
cookie_admin_dashboard_chart_period Until you close the browser Retain the default timeline for the session
export_user_reports_{user_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a system report
export_assignment_reports_{assignment_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export an assignment report
PHPSESSID 3 hours Session management
CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id 1 hour Save the content transfer network ID for technical reasons
CloudFront-Policy 1 hour Save the content transfer network policy for technical reasons
CloudFront-Signature 1 hour Save the content transfer network ID for technical reasons
cookie_microstats_visibility Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for displaying the information icon for the session
gamification_points_for_unit_completion 30 seconds Notify the user of the points they earned for completing a module
gamification_points_for_certification 30 seconds Notify the user of the points they earned towards getting a certificate
cookie_dashboard_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for viewing courses as “completed” or “in progress” for the session
export_custom_reports_{report_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a report
gamification_points_for_new_topic 30 seconds Notify the user of the points they earned for starting a new discussion topic
gamification_communication_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for starting X discussion topics
gamification_test_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for completing X tests
gamification_survey_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for completing X surveys
gamification_assignment_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for completing X assignments
gamification_perfectionism_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned because a test or an assignment was scored 90% or higher
gamification_certification_badge 30 seconds Notify the user of the badge they earned for obtaining X certificates
show_completed 24 hours Retain user preference settings so that a course is shown as completed when visiting the relevant module for the session
show_gamification_completed_message Until you close the browser Notify the user of resetting the “Gamification” mode to the default settings via a request to their account
catalog_selected_categories Until you close the browser Retain user selected categories in the course catalogue for the session
catalog_category_visible_get_all Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for viewing the option to acquire all courses for the session
export_survey_reports_{survey_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a survey
marketplace_selected_categories Until you close the browser Retain administrator selected categories in the course catalogue for the session
export_grid_to_csv 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a grid to CSV
cookie_nexturl 30 seconds Save a URL that allows users who are not logged in to access the home page
cookie_admin_right_sidebar_mode Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the board type on the right of the display screen for the session
cookie_calendar_mode Until you close the browser Retain preference settings for the user’s calendar type for the session
gamification_goto_badges_overview Until you close the browser Retain preference settings for the overview of the user's badges for the session
cookie_marketplace_sorting_type Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for selecting a course categorization format in the TalentLMS course marketplace for the session
cookie_ilt_mode Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings on whether customized training courses will be displayed in list format for the session
cookie_dashboard_search Until you close the browser Retain user course search options on the home page for the session
secureMessageCookie 15 seconds Save user connection status for technical purposes
login_token Until you close the browser Save user connection status for technical purposes
cookie_discussion_sorting_type Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session regarding the type of categorization for discussions (e.g. weekly, yearly, by name, etc.)
cookie_visited_marketplace_info 5 minutes Retain user options for the session on whether they visited the TalentLMS course marketplace
cookie_visited_course_library_info 5 minutes Retain user preference settings for the session regarding visiting the course library
cookie_users_mode Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings on whether the user’s information is displayed in a list or a grid format for the session
cookie_users_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding status filtering (active/any type) for the session
export_ilt_reports_{ilt_id} 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option for a training board report
export_training_matrix_reports 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option for a training board report
cookie_cms_edit_visible Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding visibility of the "Edit menu" option on the home page for the session
cookie_just_loggedin 30 seconds Retain user preference settings for the session regarding information that the user has just logged in
cookie_visited_course_catalog_index Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding visiting the course catalogue for the session
catalog_search_value Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding searching in the course catalogue for the session
cookie_catalog_mode Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding the catalogue type for the session
cookie_catalog_sorting_type Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding the catalogue sorting type for the session
cookie_courses_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings on whether courses will be filtered by status for the session
cookie_admin_announcement 24 hours Retain user preference settings on whether announcements have been made for the session
autologin_admin_mode Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding automatic login for the session
cookie_old_browser Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings regarding the use of an old browser for the session
cookie_training_matrix_user_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings on whether the training board will be filtered by status for the session
export_unit_matrix_reports 30 seconds Note user settings for re-enabling the option to export a board report for the module
cookie_unit_matrix_user_status_filter Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings on whether the module matrix will be filtered by status for the session
cookieCatalogLoginReferer 30 seconds Save user connection status for technical purposes
cookie_visited_course_library_index Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session regarding the courses selected and the courses searched in the library
course_library_selected_categories Until you close the browser Retain administrator preference settings for the session regarding ID categories corresponding to topic categories
course_library_search_value Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session regarding performing a search in the course library
cookie_visited_marketplace_index Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session regarding the courses selected and the courses searched in the TalentLMS marketplace
marketplace_search_value Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session regarding performing a search in the TalentLMS marketplace
cookie_unit_matrix_settings Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session on whether certain options will be enabled on the module board (score, time)
cookie_training_matrix_settings Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session on whether certain options will be enabled on the training board (course code, progress, etc.)
cookie_course_library_language Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session regarding language selection in the course library
hide_switch_to_plus_modal Until you close the browser Retain user preference settings for the session on whether to display an option to switch to Talent+